Archives for the month of: January, 2013





A livable neighborhood, where there are activities, people gathering, people walking pass, people with a purpose for coming, a happy place within small areas on the entire environment or community.

A livable neighborhood can be a group of children playing by the playground, flow of people exercising, gathering and chatting up. Or flow of people walking pass the area, events and a place where people feel happy to be at.

For Mac Pherson Road, livable neighborhood hardly exist, there are too many un used space that people do not use that area, and due to the location, people hardly walk around the area, playgrounds are hardly found and you can only find people chatting up once in awhile. Many of the place are quiet and dead.

The community centre supposing an area to create bonds in within neighborhoods has too little facilities available, and by the location and size people around the area do not go there often at all.

Community Engagement, community is where a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common, a particular area or place considered together with its inhabitants, engaging is where activities or stuffs attracts, occupies and involves the people living in a community.

In Mac Pherson Road, community engagement is low due to the fact that the environment around is being split into too different activity area. It is also because of the low activity level for the environment from the elderly people. Markets are closed early, little activities are found around the area other that some chatting up on lives.

However in the community centre, certain exercising, gathering activities are held there. People still do gather up. Very little community member gets involve.

There are too little younger generations and too little activities for the older ones.

To sustain is being able to be maintained at a certain rate or level or the ability to be upheld or defended. Sustaining an environment would naturally mean to maintain the level of productiveness and keeping up to the needs or conserving an ecological balance by avoiding depletion of natural resources.

In Mac Pherson Road, sustainability is pretty low due to the fact of low development is being done at that area and in fact lacking to sustain the community needs.

However, due to the fact that low development was done, buildings, lamps, community centre was not installed with more energy saving facilities.

Sustainability is low in the environment whether in energy saving or the sustaining of a good community.

Environment is the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. Environment basically consists of everything that’s in it. An environment can be good or bad depending on what the environment consist of and the level of conditions in the environment.

In Mac Pherson Road, the environment is classified under a living environment where people, plants and animals co-exist and life moves on consistently. The environment changes vastly from just a cross of road. The environment would be considered as a unique one due to the high amount of old housing, elderly people and how quiet the place is. The conditions of the environment on the other hand is pretty low due to the fact of not fully utilized land areas, poorly designed routes to cater to the population there.

The community centre was as old as the buildings there and most of the facilities are not really catered to the population as well and empty lands (Badminton, soccer courts) are hardly used.

The entire environment works independently and this creates working environments that does not really come together.

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